
울산 주전 여행 Vacation in Jujun

2013.1.28-29 In Korea, Ulsan, Jujun that is beach

We like ghost.

Remember, This is winter night. We just forgot it. 

He is not gangster.

Before I leave to London, We want to remain some impressed story for us.
My best friends are 11 or 12.. I think. 
I want to gather my all of bf, but we have a different schedule and job. so we meet possible people.
Even if not all friends, from start to finish we have outstanding time.
Friends have a lot of advantage. that make  exciting and vibrant for other friends.

이렇게 모이는 날이 언제 또 있을지 모르겠다.
하지만 그날이 언제가 되든 간에 예전이나 지금이나 미래에나 지금과 같이 만나면 활기차고
유쾌하며 즐거운 친구였으면 한다.

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